Sunday, January 17, 2016

Reverse Shampooing- Does it Really Work?

Hello again and welcome back to The Suitably Named.  How have you been?   I just finished my first week of the semester, and I'm already counting the days until spring break.  What can I say? I hate winter.  So, let's get to why we're here, shall we?

I was browsing Nouveaucheap like I do on the daily, and I found an older article she wrote  about reverse shampooing.  Intrigued and frustrated with my current hair routine (which has been failing me), I decided to give it a try.   I've been doing this for the past week and have been so happy with the results, I wanted to share it with you!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

DIY Moisturizing night cream

Hey guys!  Welcome back to The Suitably Named.  So I'm currently on break from school which means a lot more free time, which means me getting hard into something new.  That new something this time has been natural skincare remedies.  I've decided to start leaning away from most store-bought products, and to start saving some money and making my own!  

DISCLAIMER:  I am just a newbie at this, if you are really wanting to get into DIY skincare/beauty products-do your research.  If you add water to any natural ingredients, you need a preservative to help protect against bacteria growth.  Also, be careful with the use of essentail oils.  These are very concentrated and could cause toxicity if used improperly.  Do your research.  That being said, I used way too much lemon oil and decided to use this as a body moisturizer instead of a face moisturizer.

I recently took a stab at this whole DIY skincare thing, and made my own night cream.  I liked this recipe I came up with so much that I wanted to share it with you guys!  It's pretty simple to make-if you can combine ingredients in a bowl and mix them together, you are more than capable of making this for yourself!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

DIY: Make your Blogger profile image round using Picmonkey!

Hey guys!  As you probably noticed, I've been changing up my blog design a little.  It's taken some time but I'm really happy with the progress so far-and I've done it all myself.  Besides the new clean header, I think my new favorite feature is my round sidebar photo.  I tried a lot of complicated ways to get that photo through adding a special widget or altering the code, but then I figured out a much easier way to go from old square to new round.  When I figured this out I got really excited and wanted to make a tutorial on this my next priority.  So if you want to know how to make your profile image round, keep on reading.

Lets goooooo

Step 1, delete your current "about me" gadget.  Throw it out.  This gadget has a set structure linked to your google plus account, and is too hard to change to waste time trying.  Just go to your layout, click edit on your about me gadget in the side bar, and select "remove."

Overnight eye masks?!? | VIICode Skincare Review

Hey everyone, how are you? I know it’s been awhile since I’ve written a post on here, but today I’m re-kickstarting (that’s a word, right?)...